
Idag har vi fått nycklarna till Vilde! Hon är äntligen våran!!!!Vi har gått omkring och bara beundrat henne och kommit på miljoner olika planer för vad vi ska göra. Vi bor fortfarande kvar i lägenheten men kommer flytta hit så fort vi kan.


Today we got the keys to Vilde! She is finally ours!! We’ve been walking around just admiring her and coming up with a million plans on what to do. We still live in our flat but will move here as soon as possible.



Idag har det varit röjar dags. Vi har tagit ner allt som satt på väggarna och plockat ut dom sista sakerna som tillhörde den förra ägaren. Dom sakerna står nu i fören i väntan på att han ska komma och hämta dom.

Åh vad det är kul att bara få börja! Nu ser vi ytan i huset på ett helt annat sätt.


Today we’ve been removing everything from the walls and moved out the last stuff from the previous owner. His things are now placed in the bow waiting for him to get back from sea and come and get them.

It’s so much fun just to get started! Now we can see the space in the house.


Nu har vi börjat flytta våra saker till Vilde. Luftmadrassen är med och vi ska sova första natten här!
Grilla i soliga aktern är så klart ett måste 🙂
Now we’ve started to move our things to Vilde. We brought the airmattres and are going to spend the first night here!
Of course we had a BBQ at the sunny stern 🙂



We had a really nice first night on Vilde.
We’ve been moving our things from the flat and and are now settled in on the boat. Alfons the motorbike is also here now.
Mike has taken down the rusty rail. I’ve tried to clean Vilde a bit. She has a lot of green stuff on the side but it goes away with some soap. Tomorrow I will borrow a high pressure wash from my brother and continue the cleaning.
Mike has made us a really nice table for the veranda in the back.


The past week we’ve been moving the last of our things to Vilde.
I’ve cleaned the side so now she looks clean. Mike has built a shelf under the house where we can have tools. We went and bought some boards that Mike put as a floor.
We’ve fixed the tire (it works like a bumper/fender) that’s attached on the pillars of the jetty. We used a small raft to be able to work from the water. It was a bit tricky not to drop the tools into the water.
We had a look at the gangway to see if we could make it better but decided to wait with that until we get back.
We also had a meeting with Stefan from Foam King. We want to hire them to spray insulation foam on the inside of Vilde to make her nice and warm.
Now we’re preparing for our holiday with Snigel.